October 24, 2023
Masteriyo is an easy-to-use WordPress LMS plugin which enables awarding personalized certificates to students upon course completion. By default, DejaVu Sans is applied.
To update the font, download desired TrueType Font files then upload to a /fonts
folder in your active WordPress child theme.
Utilize Masteriyo's mPDF filter to reference these new fonts when generating certificates. Target specific elements like titles and names by their CSS class to customize fonts.
With just a few lines of code, you have full typography control to tailor professional certificates aligned to your brand and course aesthetic. Recognize achievement with unique, meaningful fonts.
Here is the example of changing font for student name with Ludica Handwriting font:
function( $mpdf ) {
// Specify the font directory relative to the child theme directory.
$mpdf->AddFontDirectory( __DIR__ . '/fonts' );
// Define font data for Lucida Handwriting.
$mpdf->fontdata['lucidahandwriting'] = array(
'R' => 'LucidaHandwriting.ttf', // This TTF file name should be the same as the TTF file in your 'fonts' directory.
// Add Lucida Handwriting font to mPDF.
$mpdf->AddFont( 'lucidahandwriting', 'R' );
// Define CSS for a specific block with the class 'wp-block-masteriyo-student-name', You can any use other selector to change the font family.
$css = '.wp-block-masteriyo-student-name {
font-family: lucidahandwriting;
// Make the Lucida Handwriting font available for use in the PDF.
$mpdf->default_available_fonts[] = 'lucidahandwriting';
$mpdf->available_unifonts[] = 'lucidahandwriting';
// Apply the defined CSS to the PDF.
$mpdf->WriteHTML( $css, \Mpdf\HTMLParserMode::HEADER_CSS );
// Return the modified $mpdf object.
return $mpdf;
Following the above example you can change the font of any part of the certificate.